Development in progress

G1 Track105
3 min readDec 11, 2020

As we get closer and closer the the final deadline for the project, it’s time to look back and see how we are doing so far… It seems we are doing fine.

Ok, ok, maybe you were expecting more of a reflection or at least an extended flashback, we can also think aloud if that helps. Last time we left with a few questions on our hands. Where will the space be located? How would you make people want to go and use it? How can we make it playful?

The location was quite a thing. It looked easy at first since it wouldn’t be very reasonable to place the space outside given the weather in this city. But then the question is still “where?”. Building a new space from scratch would be expensive, so that is probably not optimal, but the given spaces are used, so that’s a problem. Luckily, there’s one space that is both indoors and not used: SB-Multisal. While it features the most amazing pics when the exam period comes, for the most of it, there’s nothing to be found in this room. It’s big, it’s indoors, it can be fantastic! SB it is. And when there’s more money, then we can do something outside.

The other 2 questions can’t be answered independently since they refer to the same indoor space. There are examples of famous companies and other co-working spaces that are known for their appealing interiors and to create a great working environment. That’s a fine line between those 2 things, it would be sensible to study how they manage to walk through that. We studied some common elements to those places and did a moodboard to have a visual idea of what we are looking for.

Green things are a must. They are relaxing and work as natural noise protection. Plus they are just fun to have in any space, we wonder why anybody would not have plants in every space. There were some other harder decisions regarding the space. Like to choose different spaces and how the division should be done, also in terms of what is needed for each workstation. There’s also some inspiration about that, with shapes of tables, locations, separations, and whiteboards everywhere. We cannot emphasise enough how useful whiteboards are.

Finally, a brief look towards relaxing spaces. Also some very zen areas with fun things like a sofa or a ping pong, it feels it would match the vibe of the new SB Multisal. Of course it should be kept in mind that all this needs to disappear when the exam period arrives. As it seems, some students are not happy about writing exams as it is being decided who is Chalmers’s best player of Rundpingis.

So yea, we are doing juuust finee. As you can see, this is being written a few hours before the deadline for the final project. Are we done and not telling the final result, or we aren’t done at all and are instead writing blog posts? Just like everything in life, the truth lays in the middle of both ends!



G1 Track105

Hej! We are the group 1 from Chalmers’s course Track105: Design of sustainable infrastructure and urban transformation.